Chapter Two

The next day Sarah went over to visit Lee. She discovered several of his traits - he was not family-oriented, but that didn't matter as long as there was nothing there she didn't want passed down to their children. Having got to know each other a bit, their conversation soon drifted into more intimate channels.

One thing led to another and soon Sarah found herself falling in love. Lee went and shooed his brother out of the bedroom so that he and Sarah could share it instead...

Sarah was so happy. When she came out of the bedroom, leaving Lee to sleep off his exhaustion, she ran home in a dizzy trance. She came back to visit Lee several times over the next few months, but one day she began to feel a bit nauseous, and at the same time it occured to her that it had been a long time since her last period...

Sarah knew that she must be pregnant, and there was only one thing she could do. Besides, she had never wanted anything so much in her life as this one thing. She came out of the bathroom to meet Lee standing just outside the door. Pulling a wedding ring out of her pocket, she proposed to him then and there.

Lee accepted. He was overjoyed. Since neither of them saw the point in waiting, they decided to get married right there next to the soccer table in Lee's living room.

The money that Lee brought gave them enough money for a new bed, some kitchen counters, a stove and some walls around their home.

It was a simple life, but neither of them minded. They were both just so happy to be married to each other, and continually thought about their beautiful wedding rings.

Until one day, Sarah noticed that she was getting fat. Knowing she could no longer hide the fact from her husband, she told him the good news. Lee was overjoyed.

Will Sarah and Lee's happiness last? Will they have enough money to raise their first child successfully? Look out for the next chapter to find out!
